All about the island of La Palma, in the Canaries.
Current Weather on La Palma
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Weather Forecast
Well the storm's gone, thank goodness, but there's more rain due on Saturday and Sunday. Enjoy Friday, quick!
We've had a lot more bad weather than usual this winter.
On a happier note, there's a children's carnival party at La Polvacera Sports Ground, with dancing, games, art workshops and murgas. Come in fancy dress if you can, at 5 pm.
Today we have a yellow weather alert for the whole island, and most of the sea around it (the exception is the sea immediately east of the island). Tomorrow it becomes an orange alert for the whole island with a yellow alert for the sea. And for Thursday we have an orange alert again for the island, and an orange alert for the sea, except for the same patch of sea off the east of the island.
Tuesday 16th Santa Cruz de la Palma 5 pm Fancy dress ball in the senior citizens day centre, with live salsa music
Los Llanos Cancelled
Wednesday 17th Santa Cruz de la Palma 11 am Presentation of prizes in the town hall.
Los Llanos 11 am - 1 pm Children's activities, Plaza de España 8 pm Murgas, Plaza de España
Cancajos 8 pm the Octopus's Funeral followed by a dance
Thursday 18th Los Llanos 7 pm Comparsas (musical groups) at the carnival stage 8 pm Murgas, Plaza de España
Friday 19th Santa Cruz de la Palma 9 pm The Sardine's funeral. Procession from the Alameda to the carnival stage, followed by the cremation, fireworks and a dance.
Los Llanos 11 am - 1 pm Children's activities, Plaza de España 1 pm The Sardine's funeral starts at El Camino Los Lomos -Los Pedregales. At 7 pm the procession leaves for La Calle Ramón Pol. and should arrive a 9:30 pm. On it's arrival, the sardine will be cremated. 10 pm Live music at the carnival stage