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Friday, 6 March 2009

A Whole Shoal of Sardines

Carnival is officially over in most places, but if you missed the Sardine's funeral in Santa Cruz and Los Llanos, you still have four chances to pay your last respects.

Puntallana hold their sardine's funeral tonight at 10 pm, and the little village of Los Galguitos in San Andres y Sauces holds theirs tonight too, but I haven't been able to find out when.

Los Sauces hold theirs tomorrow (Saturday) at 9 pm. This is perhaps the most famous sardine's funeral on the island. I went last year and it was wonderful - like being inside a Monty Python sketch.

And I have an unconfirmed report that Barlovento will bury theirs on Friday the 13th. Incidentally, the Spanish aren't a bit superstitious about Friday the 13th. They worry about Tuesday the 13th instead.

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